. Martin Tercero | Frontend Developer
Picture of me

Martin Tercero


Lifelong Learner at Platzi | Walton Scholar

I actively use what is considered the number one education platform in Latam America, Platzi, to both complement my college courses and also to improve myself by completing courses related to soft skills or areas that are not related to software development.

Technologies that I've worked with

CSS Logo
JavaScript Logo
C++ Logo
WordPress Logo

About me

I am a Senior student pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science and a Master's in Information System at Harding University. I am from Nicaragua and looking for my first job opportunity. I like to practice frontend development and learn about data analysis concepts.

Martin Tercero Picture

My projects
You can check my code or view the live version of each project

Blog layout

Part of my first static web projects using only HTML and CSS. This was completed using the following course from Platzi


Learned to fetch data from the MovieDB API using Javascript to retrieve information like genres, movie titles and descriptions.
I did not create the design, I just adapt it to my desired result.

Batatabit Website

First responsive website that I built using HTML and CSS, this is a clone of a real website used by the company Batatabit

Restaurant Grid

Third project where the main focus was to learn the basic of CSS Grid to make the layout of a simple restaurant website showcasing menu items